Even though the winds were gusting, the sun was out. Probably the nicest day of the year to date. We had a few hours before the Bruins game that evening, and a few gusts could be challenging.
Once we started to unpack at the field, I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.
There were four aircraft that made the trip, and the first one out of the truck was the Yak 54CZ. Still my favorite “get the thumbs woken up” airplane. Enough power to 3D, yet can cut patterns through the sky and is always well behaved. Six minutes of knife edges and big loops and I landed so that the goggles could get some use.
Well the first FPV flight would be with the EZStar II. (stay tuned for an extensive look at one of the best FPV starter planes around). In a few words, endurance, pan and tilt camera, wired for sound, and well mannered in the air.
Easily 20 minutes of powered and unpowered flight. It is amazing how easily this plane corrects itself. It was gusty, and I was able to just let the sticks go and power off. It would lazily circle one way and then the next. I had time to look around as I flew. Goggles working perfectly (Fatshark Dominators). I have a 600 mW 5.8Ghz transmitter on this plane and have not had range issues. In fact my Spektrum would probably lose link before I would lose video. This will change in the near future.
Mike was flying his Switch FPV at the same time and I was able to follow him for a while. He gets about 8 minutes of 3D fun and I watched him land as I made a few more circuits before landing myself.
Then it was Quad time, and a couple of flights on the Black Mamba, one with GoPro and one without (lighter and faster), and finally a closing flight with the 350QX. All FPV. Just a perfect day for flying. Windy enough to make it interesting, but warm with the advantage of it being too early for bugs.
Looking forward to a lot of days like today with a larger group of friends.
Now the season begins!
Go Bruins.
Nice post. Wish i was there.
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Your comment has inspired me. I think I will go out and do something great today. 🙂